Here’s to the movers and the shakers.
To the makers and the entrepreneurs.
To the friends that built their own website to promote a product for social change.
To the couple that have been bootstrapping their own all-natural soap business.
To the Mom that spends evenings and weekends sewing stuffed animals to sell.
To the store owner that is taking the time to learn the names of each customer.
Here’s to the small business owners and the people that are helping them grow!
We’re passionate about the value of small businesses to our community, the goods and services they provide. At High Note Gifts, our sole mission is to provide thoughtfully curated gifts sourced only from the best locally made goods from small businesses and artisans in our own community of Nashville, Tennessee.
Every gift we offer supports somewhere between 3 and 20 different local businesses in addition to our own! From the packaging, shipping supplies, gift items, and our specialty greeting cards, everything has been sourced from a local small business. It’s what we do.
When you support a local business, you're helping families support themselves, helping people pursue what they love, and helping make dreams come true. Will you shop local with us this year?