Star Wars Fans, Rejoice!
As of the date of this post, there are just 40 days until opening day for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
If you’re a true Star Wars fan, you already knew that. What you might not know yet is that you can watch it early at the low, low price of one round trip ticket to Paris, a hotel room, and other travel expenses. The film is showing on December 16th in France and the Air France website has a packaged deal for you to get a flight and a ride to the theater to see it first. To say that you saw this epic film first is probably worth the money, right?
Well, if you can’t afford Paris, I guess you’ll have to settle for seeing it opening night here in the United States. If you’re a huge fan though, you’ll want to commemorate the days leading up to the big event. We’re guessing you’ve seen the trailer a few dozen times, you’ve already scouted out what new collectors items you just have to have, and you’re planning out what you’ll wear the big day.
As for us, we’re commemorating the event the only way we know how….in locally sourced chocolate, of course! We’ve pulled together the ultimate Star Wars Chocolate Gift Box for you, your friends, and fellow Jedi fans.
You’ll find a Yoda in milk chocolate with peanut butter, a Storm Trooper in cookies-n-cream white chocolate, and 6 Darth Vader truffles in dark chocolate ganache, all wrapped up in a gift box with official Star Wars ribbon. They’re $40 each and available for a limited time only. Get one before they’re gone!
May the force be with you!
- HNG -